Rec 1 + Rescue Avalanche Course
Avoid Avalanches and Be a Good Partner
This four-day (32-hour) combines the Rescue Course and the Recreational Level 1 Course. You receive both certificates of completion. These are the foundational avalanche courses you need to travel in the wintery mountains. On the first day, which is devoted to avalanche rescue, you will gain the skills to potentially save your partner’s life and continue practicing rescue on your own. The next three days are the Rec Level 1 Course, which give you the skills to plan trips, make field observations, travel through avalanche terrain, while making good decisions and adding margins for safety. Like other AGC courses, this course is geared toward advanced skiers and riders who are able to climb and ride mountains while learning. Get ready for big days of moving, learning, and having fun! Taught by AMGA-certified Ski Guides Joe, Nick, and Elliot.
We Will Cover
Rescue statistics
Importance of avoiding avalanches
Trailhead checks
How to use your rescue gear
Rescue method as a victim
Rescue method as a responder
Searching for victims without beacons
Common medical issues
Rescue scenarios
Avalanche types
Using the avalanche forecast
Trip planning
Trailhead checks
Identifying avalanche terrain
Weather observations
Snow observations including the extended column test
Avalanche observations
Applying the trip plan and avalanche forecast to selecting a low risk route
Decision making techniques
Applying margins for safety
Where to go from here
Note: If the weather forecast predicts poor learning conditions at the planned venue we may shift to Turnagain Pass, Summit Lake, Hatcher Pass, Western Chugach, or the Chugach Front Range.
Day 1: Rescue course.
8am meet inside Kaladi Brothers Coffee on Brayton in Anchorage.
10am - 4:00pm field session at Glen Alps.
4pm - 4:30pm parking lot debrief
Day 2: Trip planning and field observations.
8am - 9:00am meeting inside CoasT Pizza in Girdwood.
10am - 4pm field session at Turnagain Pass
4pm - 4:30pm parking lot debrief
Day 3: Travel and decision making.
8am student led trip planning inside CoasT Pizza in Girdwood.
10am - 4pm field session at Turnagain Pass.
4pm - 4:30pm parking lot debrief
Day 4: Student led tour
8am student led trip planning inside CoasT Pizza in Girdwood.
10am - 4pm student-led tour at Turnagain Pass to put it all together
4pm - 4:30pm parking lot debrief and course wrap up
Advanced downhill ability. You must be able to ski or splitboard black diamond runs at the resort without falling. Being in control is fundamental to reducing risk, group compatibility, group learning, and your learning.
Proficiency with your backcountry gear including your bindings and skins. Practice with your backcountry gear away from avalanche terrain before the course. This is not a backcountry riding course. Sorry, no snowshoes on this course.
Fitness for four consecutive full days in the mountains, skinning up to 2,000 vertical feet each day.
Be prepared to remain outside all day in cold and foul weather.
Age 16 or older and able to drive.
Wilderness First Aid course recommended.
Dec 12-15, 2024
Dec 19-22, 2024
Jan 9-12, 2025
$700 per person
Four days (32 hours) of instruction.
Professional instructors: AMGA-certified Ski Guides and American Avalanche Association Pro 2 certified.
5:1 max student to instructor ratio
AGC field book
Rec 1 and Rescue certificates of completion recognized by the American Avalanche Association
Does Not Include
Lodging, food and drink
Transportation to and from the trailhead
The Avalanche Factor by Joe Stock or Avalanche Essentials, by Bruce Tremper
Personal gear and avalanche rescue gear. See Course Gear List.
Reservation and trip insurance (recommended). See Reservation and Insurance Policy for details.
To Book
Booking opens October 1.
Contact us with any questions.
Upon booking you will receive more course information and some preparation homework.
Photos of Course Topics in Action

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